Yes, and that is true!!! Most of us try hard to get on various fad diets and fancy diet plans to lose weight and try to see results on the scale. According to me, if one has an overall idea of the foods that are healthy and can make wise choices, even if 80% of the time, and manage “limited portions”, our health goal can be met easily.

What happens when you stick to “limited portions”?

1. You are guilt free because you have eaten something that you always loved to eat but small portions.
2. You are emotionally quenched because you know 80% of the time you are making healthier choices
3. You are in a better mindset to have control over junk eating and not forced by strict diet plans to lose weight.

Now, the next question is how much is limited portion size for someone trying to lose weight?

The first step here is to assess your current portion intake when it comes to main course, and then slowly reducing it by cutting down 25% of your current eating portions. For example, if you have been eating 4 idlis, you may now slowly bring it down to 3 idlis. You may also start using smaller plates and bowls so that you feel that you are eating a plateful.

Now, since you are eating smaller portions in your main course, you will get hungry during the day and hence, the second step is to fill your day with 2 or 3 short eats with portion size not more than 100 grams. This can be a portion of nuts or dry fruit, or a medium fruit or even a cup of curd. In this attempt, you will ensure you are staying nourished through the day. Frequent and short snacking is something which most diet plans to lose weight insist upon.

After all this, you may still see hunger pangs which is just the body’s way of protesting to the new regimen & portion sizes. In these situations, always opt for low calorie fillers such as buttermilk, tender coconut, cucumber, tomatoes or raita etc.

When you learn the trick of portion control, you will see that you are emotionally satiated and the results you experience will be long term. Its all about healthy practices followed over a period of time towards a healthy transformation!!!