With festivities round the corner, everything around smells like food. Shopping, family get-togethers, parties, vacations, etc. are planned and there are high chances of bingeing on those chaklis, vadas, kheer and rasgullas. Here are some smart tips which can help you avoid going overboard or feel guilty of your festive indulgences!

  1. Moderation is the key! While you enjoy the modaks and gujiyas, remember to keep a check on the count and savour each bite. One square of a burfi, one laddu, a fistful of namkeen or one scoop of ice cream is an ideal portion to relish. Choose some natural, real and nutritious indulgences, over foods that are loaded with chemicals and preservatives.
  2. Try to choose one cheat meal for the day and stick to healthier meal options for the rest of the day. If you are eyeing for a dessert, keep the meal light and healthy so that the dessert can be enjoyed guilt-free!
  3. Use smaller size cutlery. A smaller plate with a small sized spoon can help you cut down on the calories and focus on chewing the smaller portions with more concentration.
  4. Choose wisely if the meal is a buffet. Scan the buffet menu for the healthiest option and fill the plate with salads and veggies first. If you are out and choose to buy a thali, prefer sharing it with another person and adding on veggies in case you need more portions.
  5. Eat when you are hungry. This will help avoid binge eating later and focus more on portion control. Tiredness, growling stomach, feeling nauseous or weak are some physical signs of hunger which when ignored, can lead to stress eating later.
  6. Sit down comfortably to have your meal. It’s important that you do not walk around with the plate and lose track of what goes inside your stomach.
  7. Take your time to complete the meal. It takes around 20 minutes for the brain to send signals of fullness. Eating slowly and chewing each bite would give enough time to enjoy every mouthful and be satisfied with the portions.
  8. Make a list. While there is no end to festive shopping, always try to step out with your list of items. This helps you avoid getting distracted by the variety of food choices in the market and focus on what is needed.
  9. Festivals are times when families come together and have a meal. Make an effort to sit together to eat with everyone and create memories.
  10. Stay active. As much as it’s okay to enjoy the delicacies in moderation, you can avoid the carb load and weight gain by keeping yourself physically active. Step out and walk to the market, take the stairs, play with the kids, help in the house cleaning – there is lots to do!

Do try to get back to your healthy routine quickly and avoid being in the festive mood even after the festivals are long gone! Remember to check your weight before and after the festivities so that you do not lose track and bounce back with a healthy routine sooner. 

Food-related celebrations are always part of our lives and it’s okay to indulge at times and not feel guilty. Enjoy the food with full awareness of what, how and when you are eating it. 

Sending lots of peace and joy your way and wishing you a happy festive season!