Sometimes we overlook significant factors which seem to be less important in our health journey. One amongst them is timely and adequate sleep. This blog would help you understand what is a Circadian rhythm, factors that influence it and also provide 10 quick tips to improve sleep!

Our body clock has a set rhythm (commonly known as Circadian rhythm) for waking and falling asleep which is dependent on light. When it is dark outside, the body receives signals to wind up for the day and when there is light, the body naturally tends to stay awake.

Different people have different sleep-wake cycles, for example, some prefer to stay awake till late night and wake up late in the morning while some are early birds. As long as the body follows the same routine everyday and is able to get a minimum 6 hours of quality sleep, things should work fine!

Some of the factors that may influence the natural Circadian rhythm include –

Erratic work hours
Night shifts
Frequent travels across time zones
Late night gatherings
Excess screen time
Late night snacking or drinking
Uncomfortable sleeping environment

We have come up with some tips to improve sleep:

  1. Fix a routine. Let the body get used to sleeping and waking up around the same time each day. In case there is a change in your Circadian rhythm due to shift in time zone or taking up night shifts, slowly alter the sleep timings by 30 minutes to get familiarized with the new cycle.
  2. Exercise regularly during the day. A good amount of physical activity in the day time will help make it easier to fall asleep during the night time.
  3. Avoid afternoon naps. If you really need a power nap, ensure it is not more than 20 minutes. This will help to avoid staying alert at night.
  4. Reduce the exposure to screen light. Artificial light from electronic devices like television, laptop, smart phone, ipad, etc. can interfere with the natural sleep-wake cycle hence avoid using these gadgets at least an hour before you go to bed.
  5. Take a light and early dinner. Heavy meal may cause indigestion or heartburn which can affect sleep quality.
  6. Stay away from caffeinated beverages post 5 pm . Having tea or coffee late at night may keep you awake and alert, thus affecting the natural sleep-wake cycle.
  7. Develop a bedtime habit. Some people prefer to meditate while some read a book or listen to light, soothing music before falling asleep.
  8. Create an ambience to fall asleep quickly. Put off the light, draw the curtains to avoid external light, use comfortable beddings and pillows, make enough space for the body to move while sleeping, keep the phone on silent and inform family members about your sleep-wake timings so that they ensure there is a sound-free environment while you are sleeping.
  9. Avoid staying out for long. Try to return home from work or social gatherings as early as possible.
  10. Take up meditation or mindful breathing activities. This may help relieve the mind of negative or stressful emotions and help fall asleep faster.

Hope you’d be able to follow few of these 10 quick tips to improve sleep and allow your body to rest enough and start fresh the next day 😊