Festive season is a time for family, celebrations, and overindulgence.

It’s next to impossible to keep track of our diet during the festival season. But the wise thing to do is to quickly get back on track and start with whatever small modifications we can bring in. Here are few ways to do reboot ourselves.

1. Forgive yourself – Don’t feel guilty for over-eating or the indulgence; As humans, its natural to have these moments and its alright to slip ourselves out of our track. Most of the days, we eat for a healthy gut but on a few days, we may eat for a healthy soul and that’s perfectly fine too. Don’t feel guilty.

2. Bring in Calorie deficit – Bring an overall calorie deficit. You can do this by just doing two meals a day or fasting once a week. Do not punish yourself by starving as it will not help in the long run and will result in more cravings. Pre-planning helps a lot in eating clean and healthy. Restock your pantry and try to give away the sweets and junk foods so that you can start fresh.

3. Control your portion size – Another great way to get back on track is by keeping a tight portion control regimen. Measure / Click pictures of every meal/snack or beverage you consume to keep track of this. You can also start maintaining a journal and watch out on your portion sizes and frequency of intake.

4. Hydrate – Most often, just reworking on our water intake gets us back on track with a cleansed body. Cleansing with moderate amount of water is the simplest way to detox. And most often, we are not hungry, we are just thirsty; So, refill yourselves.

5. Bring back the schedule – Its important to bring back the schedule and meal-exercise-sleep regimen so that you bounce back on track. When we have sufficient exercise, we consciously make right food choices. Sleep is equally important to remove unnecessary cravings and to give some rest to our gut.

6. Add more fiber – Focus on whole foods, fresh fruits, and vegetables. They are full of fiber and will help you get on track soon. This will also keep you satiated and will curb your cravings.

7. Practice mindful eating:  After the festive indulgence, take time to introspect and understand if you ate mindfully. Most often, we indulge without limits and without focus. As you restart, bring in mindful eating practices and remove unnecessary add-ons in your meals. This will also help you to practice portion control.

Its all about small and consistent steps on the right direction. Its alright to go off track sometimes, but what is important is how soon you get back on track!!!

Stay happy, stay healthy!!!